The Solar Electric System Guide To Grid-Tied Installations And Selling Energy

There are many solar energy options for your home, but only grid-tied systems will allow you to sell electricity back to the grid. Therefore, you want to have a grid-tied system installed of you are planning on selling your energy back to the utility companies. There are several options for the design and installation of the solar electric system for your home. The following guide will help with installing a solar panel system to sell your energy back to the grid:

Choosing the type of solar panels—When investing in solar energy for your home, you want to get the most from the panels that are installed. Today, there are various options for solar panels that can be installed and the benefits they offer. Here are a few of the types of solar panels you may want to consider for your solar electric system:

  • Polycrystalline
  • Monocrystalline
  • Flexible membrane films

These are the types of panels that you can have installed for a grid-tied solar electric system to power your home.

Converting the DC current to AC Current—The electricity that your solar panels will produce is a direct current. This is different than the alternating current used in your household wiring and the electricity coming from the grid. Therefore, converters are going to be needed to convert the DC current to AC current to be used in your home. Some of the different solar converter options for your installation include:

  • A single charge controller and converter unit
  • Separate converters for different electrical needs
  • Micro converters installed with solar panels

These are some of the different converter options that you will want to consider for the solar panel installation.

Battery bank to store the electricity panels produce—You are going to need a solution to store the power that your solar panels produce. It is important to have a well-designed battery bank installed. This will allow you to store the electricity needed to power your home. The battery bank needs to store more energy than your home uses on a daily basis. After the batteries in a battery bank are charged, the system will then send the excess energy back to the grid.

The controller to tie to your home and to the utility grid—the controller that is installed to charge batteries and sell excess electricity back to the grid is a crucial component of your solar panel installation. The controller should allow you to monitor the performance of your system, power that is being produced, and how much electricity you sell back to the grid.

With the right design for your grid-tied solar system, you will be able to benefit from selling the excess energy your panels produce back to the utility company. Contact a solar panel installation service to get started designing your solar electric system
